Wednesday, 9 September 2009

MCTS .NET Application Development Foundation - 70-536 – Objectives List Part 1

This is the first (second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh) in a collection of posts that have links to the different topics covered in the 70-536 exam matrix.

Developing applications that use system types and collections (15 percent)

That is the first section with the basic MSDN links. I will be putting an Excel spreadsheet at the end of the series of posts with checklist and a lot more links embedded in it. 


Mudassir Shahzad said...

nice blog bro !!
i also want to get microsoft MCPD certification exam 70-536.
will you please guide me in detail.
my mail address is:

when you mail me please mention your identity, so that i can recognize you.

Mudassir Shahzad said...

nice blog bro !!
i also want to get microsoft MCPD certification.
will you please guide me in detail.
my mail address is:

when you mail me please mention your identity, so that i can recognize you.

Unknown said...


Great link collection!

The 'Attributes' link is dead on page:

Unknown said...

It is better to use next link for "DictionaryBase" article:

Unknown said...

This blog is actually a god-send Niall, I'm cramming like a madman for exam in two weeks and this is the perfect resource!

Unknown said...

Glad its helping Peter, feel free to drop me a line if you need anything else. Best of luck in the exam

MJK said...

Very Great Effort.I have become the big fan of yours after seen your work.
A little think which i would like to add for INullableValue check this url.


kb said...
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